Got questions?

We would love to answer your questions about God and faith or just to listen and support you in your time of need. If you don't know what to send, write: 'Hi, I need support'.

Show me how to pray

Who is Fellow

Fellow is a place where people from all backgrounds and beliefs can come and ask questions about God, Jesus and the Christian faith. The answers to life's biggest and most frequently asked questions can be found in the Bible and we believe that being able to ask questions is an important part of discovering the truth.

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We have a team of volunteers ready to reply to all the questions Fellow receives. Everyone who responds is a Christian and most are connected to a local church. Our volunteers are not counsellors but they are available to offer encouragement and prayer, and to discuss faith in Jesus Christ.
Share what is troubling you, there are worries that are hard to deal with without help. There are questions that are hard to answer on your own. Send us a message. We will be happy to support you and help you find answers to difficult questions. People who write to us generally want to know more about God or what the Bible teaches on a particular subject. Some just want to get some advice about a situation they are facing.
Yes your data is completely safe. We will not add you to a mailing list or contact you about anything other to answer the questions you ask and reply to your messages.