Got questions?

Contact us

We would love to answer your questions about God and faith or just to listen and support you in your time of need. By filling in this form, we will connect you to a local church who will be in touch soon.

If you are interested to continue your conversation, they will invite you to try Alpha, which is series of in person evenings where you can ask the big questions of life and get together with others exploring the basics of Christian faith.

If you’re not sure what to say or send, just write - hi, I need support

If you’re not sure what to say or send, just write - hi, I need support

*Whatsapp must already be installed on your mobile device for this

If you are interested to continue your conversation, they will invite you to try Alpha, which is series of in person evenings where you can ask the big questions of life and get together with others exploring the basics of Christian faith.